Today is the first anniversary of Mike's death. Christmas has been different this year, but it was always going to be with a very important member of our family no longer here to share it with.
We went to the Chelsea game, we had a really good time and I took a lot of comfort from Cam saying "we couldn't be any closer to dad if we tried - this is as close to heaven as you can get"
I can't believe where the year has gone, I have tried really hard not to reflect on what i was doing this time last year. All our "firsts" are over, although I know there are still going to be difficult times I feel that we can move on a little more now.
Friday, 26 December 2008
Monday, 22 December 2008
Hannah, Cameron and I have been talking about Christmas a lot over the past few days - I think all three of us have a bit of a guilt feeling about possibly having a good time. We are now all in agreement that Mike loved Christmas and everything about it, he would be looking down on us getting really cross if we were busy being sad.
We have reflected on 2008 a lot too, all I can say is that in January I couldn't honestly see any way forward, I could never imagine living any sort of life again. It's not been an easy journey but as the year has gone on we have all managed to overcome some massive hurdles - every birthday and every anniversary has been a struggle but we have got through.
Hannah and Cam have been amazing and shown such strength of character that I never imagined they possessed. (maybe it's more of Mike living on in them). I just need you both to know that I don't think I could have got through without you, I love you very much and am so proud of you and what you have achieved this year - dad would be very proud of you too x x
We have reflected on 2008 a lot too, all I can say is that in January I couldn't honestly see any way forward, I could never imagine living any sort of life again. It's not been an easy journey but as the year has gone on we have all managed to overcome some massive hurdles - every birthday and every anniversary has been a struggle but we have got through.
Hannah and Cam have been amazing and shown such strength of character that I never imagined they possessed. (maybe it's more of Mike living on in them). I just need you both to know that I don't think I could have got through without you, I love you very much and am so proud of you and what you have achieved this year - dad would be very proud of you too x x
Thursday, 18 December 2008
A Blue Christmas
The three of us had a really good day yesterday, we went to Stamford Bridge to the Carol concert. Hannah and Cam have been working long hours recently and it was nice for the three of us to be together. Cam bought the cd of Chelsea anthems at the megastore and so we had a good sing song on the way home too.
Cam tried to convice me that our Christmas tree should have been in Chelsea colours this year but I refused and went for the traditional look. Our angel does have a bit of a twist though - it's got Chelsea wings.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
I'm going to try and start doing some positive thinking today. I have been in a bit of a black hole over the past week. The headstone arriving had a bigger impact on me than I thought it would, and there is the inevitable lead up to Christmas and that first anniversary.
I was shopping yesterday and they were playing Johnny Mathis A child is born which set me off getting upset about not having my mum in my life anymore too. We were brought up in a home where Johnny Mathis was always playing and a child is born was always on at Christmas. I am getting a bit worried about how sentimental I have been this week as I also got upset when I heard Chasing Cars - Cam and Mike used to lie on the bed together singing it.
I was shopping yesterday and they were playing Johnny Mathis A child is born which set me off getting upset about not having my mum in my life anymore too. We were brought up in a home where Johnny Mathis was always playing and a child is born was always on at Christmas. I am getting a bit worried about how sentimental I have been this week as I also got upset when I heard Chasing Cars - Cam and Mike used to lie on the bed together singing it.
Friday, 12 December 2008
I don't really know how I am feeling today, other than gutted. I didn't get the Willen shop managers job, the letter said "It has been offered to someone with more relevant experience" - I really don't know what else I could have done, I managed my shop for five and a half years, eighteen months of that on my own and caring for a terminally ill husband at the same time. I had so much to give, I did all my research for the interview and visited several of the shops and could have done that job with a passion for a cause that I really believed in. Today as I do on several occasions I feel that there is no justice in this world.
I have had to stand up brush myself down and carry on so many times over the last few years so I am sure that now will be no different - I will have to think that it is their loss not mine. I will now just wait until after Christmas when all the first anniversaries are done and then re-assess where I want to go with my life.
I have had to stand up brush myself down and carry on so many times over the last few years so I am sure that now will be no different - I will have to think that it is their loss not mine. I will now just wait until after Christmas when all the first anniversaries are done and then re-assess where I want to go with my life.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
The headstone issue has been sorted. Marie phoned the company on Friday and told them how happy I was with the headstone and surround, but how disappointed and distasteful I thought it was that they had put their name in such large letters right across the front of one of the corner vases. I received a letter yesterday saying that if it being there meant that I am not 100% happy with their workmanship they will remove it. I have spoken to them and it will be removed shortly. Thanks Marie, you're a star - it may seem a little trivial but I really had an issue that giving Mike a nice grave was the last thing I could do for him and I had been very specific about what I wanted and it had been ruined.
Cameron and I are going to Stamford Bridge today, Hannah did have the chance to come but didn't want to - she wants her first match to be the Boxing Day one, but she is coming with us on 17th December to the Chelsea Carol Concert.
The plan tomorrow is for Hannah and me to go Christmas shopping. I have nearly finished now but she hasn't started. After driving to the city yesterday and going around four car parks looking for a space and eventually thinking I couldn't be bothered I came home and done most of what was left on line. I have only got one to do now thankfully.
Cameron and I are going to Stamford Bridge today, Hannah did have the chance to come but didn't want to - she wants her first match to be the Boxing Day one, but she is coming with us on 17th December to the Chelsea Carol Concert.
The plan tomorrow is for Hannah and me to go Christmas shopping. I have nearly finished now but she hasn't started. After driving to the city yesterday and going around four car parks looking for a space and eventually thinking I couldn't be bothered I came home and done most of what was left on line. I have only got one to do now thankfully.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
This week has been a challenging one to say the least. I have been to the grave every day since the headstone was done just to get my head around it - I have now decided that Mike would of loved it and he couldn't have chosen it better himself. (although I do think he would have something to say about the fact that the company that did it have engraved their name at the foot of the grave almost as big as his)
My stress was added to following Hannah's hospital appointment on Wednesday which brought not particularly good news - sometimes I just think that I would like to be able to step out of my life and live someone elses for a while. I have survived the last two and half years telling myself things have got to get better, sometimes I get a little bit impatient these days wondering when.
I have to admit I am not dreading Christmas as much as I thought I would be, I do sometimes feel that it is wrong that i'm not, but know that Mike would be really cross if we sat crying about it all the time. Our tickets to Stamord Bridge for Boxing day arrived today - maybe it is a little bit of a bizzare way to mark the first anniversary, but the three of us have spoken about how we wanted to handle the day for months now, and agreed that we wanted it to be just the three of us and to do something that we would never have done had Mike been here.
My stress was added to following Hannah's hospital appointment on Wednesday which brought not particularly good news - sometimes I just think that I would like to be able to step out of my life and live someone elses for a while. I have survived the last two and half years telling myself things have got to get better, sometimes I get a little bit impatient these days wondering when.
I have to admit I am not dreading Christmas as much as I thought I would be, I do sometimes feel that it is wrong that i'm not, but know that Mike would be really cross if we sat crying about it all the time. Our tickets to Stamord Bridge for Boxing day arrived today - maybe it is a little bit of a bizzare way to mark the first anniversary, but the three of us have spoken about how we wanted to handle the day for months now, and agreed that we wanted it to be just the three of us and to do something that we would never have done had Mike been here.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Today has been a challenging day. The headstone was put on Mike's grave and it somehow makes it feel really final. Standing looking at his name and the date he died in big letters really hits a nerve. I am really pleased with it and it is well worth the wait but it didn't stop me crying about it. It lives up to all the instructions that he gave me while he was ill, he had told me what he didn't want it to look like not exactly what it had to look like - Cameron chose the shape, Hannah chose the colour and I chose the words but it is all inkeeping with what he wanted. I hope that I have succesfully carried out all his wishes as I promised him I would.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
I'm missing Mike this morning. I've got my interview today and miss having my own personal recruitment consultant giving me tips on what to wear, what to say and what not to say. I know if he was here his comments would be "just go and be yourself" and that "some degree of nerves is healthy" I have done lots of research and am as prepared as I possibly can be so just want it to be over now.
Monday, 1 December 2008
As expected the piper made me cry at the Lights of Love. Everytime I hear bagpipes I have a vivid image in my head of our wedding day and all the hopes and dreams we had. Hannah was very composed throughout the whole service, in fact at one stage she was swaying to the music. We went with Marie and Neil and met Helen there - Helen and I keep talking about going out and getting drunk one night to drown our sorrows, she mentioned it again yesterday so I think we just need to bring it on.
When I got home Cameron nagged and nagged about putting the Christmas tree up, I did ask him whether he was 18 or 8, but he just kept saying very innocently "how can you not be excited about Christmas?" In a way I am relieved that he obviously isn't dreading it, I think Cam grieves in a very different way to me. Sometimes he says things that make it obvious that he has been really thinking about his dad, but anniversaries and dates don't seem to bother him. I dreaded his 18th birthday without Mike much more than he ever did and am glad that he is looking forward to Christmas without the memories of last year spoiling his fun. He wore me down in the end and the Christmas tree is now up.
When I got home Cameron nagged and nagged about putting the Christmas tree up, I did ask him whether he was 18 or 8, but he just kept saying very innocently "how can you not be excited about Christmas?" In a way I am relieved that he obviously isn't dreading it, I think Cam grieves in a very different way to me. Sometimes he says things that make it obvious that he has been really thinking about his dad, but anniversaries and dates don't seem to bother him. I dreaded his 18th birthday without Mike much more than he ever did and am glad that he is looking forward to Christmas without the memories of last year spoiling his fun. He wore me down in the end and the Christmas tree is now up.
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My first thank you must go to Mike, not only my husband but my very best friend. He has always been there for me and now I am doing all I can to be there for him. Unfortunately, nothing can prepare you for the devastating news that we received last June, and no text book can tell you how to behave and how to deal with it.
Mike has been so brave throughout all of this, we have laughed together and cried together, but Mike has found the strength to help me to continue to plan a future for me, the kids and the business. He really is a very special person.
The Kids
I don't know where I would be without Hannah and Cameron (though probably a little less grey). I need them to know that I really love them and appreciate them, even if sometimes because of the situation here stress gets the better of me and I snap.
The memory of the day that we told them that Mike's illness is terminal will haunt me forever. I felt so helpless, it is the first time that a kiss, a hug (or money) couldn't make the news any better for them. Mike insisted that he was the one to tell them, I can't imagine how hard it was for him, I think he's amazing and although it's hard to think of it now I think the kids will respect him for it too. Love you both x x
Jean & Eddie
I need to do a big thank you to Jean and Eddie (Mike's mum and dad). They arrived the morning that Mike was first admitted to hospital and stayed for fourteen weeks. They have been a tremendous support throughout all of this. Obviously they are grieving too, but the support that they have given to Mike, me and the kids has been fantastic.
They have helped both emotionally and practically, without them I do not know what we would have done - All the shopping, cooking, washing, ironing, cleaning and dog walking was done by them. Jean is the only person that has just hugged me and allowed me to cry until I have no more tears left. Eddie did loads of DIY jobs that Mike had planned for years (Mike has always liked the power tools and planning projects but not been very keen to do them). Between them everything was cleaned, painted, cleaned again and made sterile for Mike to have the very best chance of not getting any infections throughout his chemo.
I also thank them for appreciating that when things had settled slightly and I had the business organised they allowed us the time to get back to "normal" family life.
Everyone has been brilliant, I worry that if I start naming people I might forget someone, but I will attempt to without sounding like I have won an Oscar or something.
Gill (Mike's sister) has been great - phones, texts and visits regularly (always good on a Saturday night when a visit from Gill and Pete includes a KFC). She sends good humoured cards regularly which always manage to make us smile.
Karen (Mike's sister) phones and visits regularly, her extensive medical knowledge has helped enormously by helping us to ask "the right questions". Karen did food shopping for us when all we had in the fridge was garlic bread and jam (not a nice combination).
Nicky and Adam (our niece and nephew) have helped us by just being themselves. They text and email the kids and visit whenever they can. They manage to make life seem normal. Nicky continues to call Mike by her pet name Uncle Tosspot which always lightens the mood.
More Family
My dad has always been at the end of the phone for me, I know that if I needed him he would get in the car and be here. I don't speak to my brother Mark as much as I should, for some reason when I come off the phone from a conversation with him I get really upset.
Our aunties, uncles and cousins have been great too. A special thanks to Chris and Wendy who send cards at regular intervals to let us know that they are still thinking about us - this means a lot.
Newport News
I don't know how to thank Marie, Ingrid, Judy (& David) and Mel enough. Without them at times there wouldn't have been any Newport News.
Everyone has changed their hours, extended their hours, changed their jobs to make sure that 900 customers get their papers every day, seven days a week. They have not only worked incredibly hard they have always been sensitive to the situation. Thank you all so much.
Not forgetting the delivery boys & girls who 99% of the time have been fab too.
Our customers have been really thoughtful too. In the first month of Mike's illness he received over 100 cards. Many customers ask for updates on Mike's progress on a regular basis. Newport is a place where news travels fast so most people know what is going on quite quickly.
Thanks to all Mike's old colleagues from Highfield. Emma has been great, phones and visits regularly and helps keep Mike up to speed with any gossip he needs to know about. Cam, Steph, Matt and Sally have all visited too and brought with them their share of "important information" for him, not forgetting the fact that Sally ran a half marathon and raised funds for Willen Hospice - I really appreciate this as you will see below they have been a tremendous support to all four of us. Sherilyn has phoned regularly and visited - Mike was really disappointed that he was not well enough to make it to her wedding at Christmas. Sadly, Sherilyn is now ill too and our love and thoughts go to her, Mike and the girls.
I hope I haven't forgotten anyone because I know you have all been great.
And many more..........
There are so many more people that have helped in so many ways. I need to mention Andrew, my old boss - he keeps in contact at least weekly and as always is a really great listener.
Sadie from Country Clover Florist has been great, arrives with flowers every time the going gets tough. Sadie is also training hard to run The London Marathon in aid of Willen Hospice, although we are really proud of her for doing this I do have concerns that my chocolate sales are falling whilst she is in training. Alex and Ryan Pink from the cycle shop across the road have visited Mike in hospital and at home - they always manage to make him laugh.
The list is endless..........
Willen Hospice
A massive thank you goes to Willen Hospice. If this site gains nothing else I would like people to be aware of the amazing work that they do. I really wish that I could do something to promote the fact that they give you so much support in life and that the hospice is not a morbid place at all.
Mike attends the day hospice every Wednesday from 10.30 am to 3.30 pm. It gives him a chance to meet other people facing the same illness and the opportunity to do pottery and painting. I go to the carers group at the hospice on a Monday afternoon, all we do is eat cake and drink tea (not good for the ever expanding waist line, but very good for the soul). It is the one place in the world that you can talk about how you really feel and people really know how you feel because they are all going through it too.
The family support worker, Sandy is brilliant, she has supported us all so much - I don't know where we would be without her.
Liz is another star from Willen, she is the first contact that we had and has guided us the whole way through this horrendous journey. Like Sandy, Liz is always at the end of the phone to give advice and visits regularly as well.
If you click on the link below you will be directed to their website.
Willen Hospice